Why I Support Bandcamp

Bandcamp is the ideal music-sharing platform for a DIY artist. They take 20% and pay daily and don't require approvals. The bigger platforms take 30-40% and give the artist no control of their music. Read more


scraggo's releases onBandcampSpotifyApple MusicYoutube MusicGoogle PlayAmazon

  • Identity BandcampSpotifyApple MusicYoutube MusicGoogle PlayAmazon
  • Creative Being BandcampSpotifyApple MusicYoutube MusicGoogle PlayAmazon


Driven to Clarity's releases onSpotifyApple MusicYoutube MusicGoogle PlayAmazon

  • Heading Out SpotifyApple MusicYoutube MusicGoogle PlayAmazon

Rapid Dissension's releases onBeatportSpotifyApple MusicYoutube MusicGoogle PlayAmazon